Texas Criminal Defense: DWI/DUI lawyer Christopher Simpkins

Driving White Intoxicated (DWI/DUI)

San Antonio based DWI/DUI Defense Attorney
Christopher W. Simpkins

How I
Can Help

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Texas Administrative License Revocation

Save your License from an Automatic Suspension: ALR Hearings

Texas Implied Consent Laws

There is more to defending charges of DWI/DUI under the laws of the State of Texas than just knowing the law that applies to the criminal case.  A skilled and effective DWI criminal defense attorney must know how to properly request, litigate and win in an administrative license revocation hearing  (ALR hearing) which will give you the best possible chance to save your driver’s license from automatic suspension.  San Antonio based  criminal defense attorney has vast experience and knowledge in the administrative process and a proven track record of successful outcomes for his clients in ALR hearings.

Must act Quickly to Preserve your Right to a Hearing and to avoid an Automatic driver's license Suspension

If you were arrested for an offense under Chapter 49 of the Texas Penal Code, you need more than just representation in the criminal case.  Under Texas Law, if you refused to provide a specimen of your breath and/or blood or provided a sample that is above the statutory threshold, you license will be suspended automatically forty (40) days after the date you were arrested for DWI unless you properly request an administrative license revocation hearing (ALR) within fifteen (15) days from the date you were arrested for DWI/DUI.


“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits.”


Texas DWI Defense

know your rights

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Right to Refuse Breath and/or Blood Test

While the State has used the terms  “no refusal” .this is legally incorrect.  in most instances you can refuse to submit to a voluntary Breath and Blood Tests and require that the officer obtain a search warrant.


Superior Knowledge of Mediolegal principles that apply to allegations of DWI

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Proven record of Successful outcomes in defending against charges of Driving while Intoxicated (DWI)

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Occupational Driver's License

Even if your Texas Driver’s license is suspended by the DPS via the Administrative License Revocation procedures are by a Court due to a DWI conviction, we can help!  Call today to discuss whether you are able to obtain an Occupational Driver’s License which will allow you to legally operate a motor vehicle during the period in which your regular Driver’s License is suspended.

Arrested for DWI in Texas: We can Help!

specialized knowledge leads to superior outcomes.

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Avoid an Automatic driver's License suspension: Contact me immediately following an arrest For DWI/DUI. I know texas DWI Law and will use my specialized knowledge and experience in defending individuals Charged with DWI under Texas law to protect your rights and Privileges.